By booking a stay at MisBHaven Resort and Spa, you agree to the following terms:
Minimum age: All guests must be 18 years or older unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Maximum occupancy: The maximum number of guests allowed is stated in the listing description. Exceeding the maximum occupancy is strictly prohibited.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted inside the property. Designated smoking areas may be available outdoors.
Pets: Pets are not allowed unless they are service pets required for health reasons. Such cases must be disclosed at the time of booking.
Parties and events: Parties and events are not permitted without prior approval from the owner.
Noise: Guests are expected to be respectful of other guests and neighbours. Excessive noise after midnight is prohibited.
Damages: Guests are responsible for any damages caused to the property during their stay. The cost of repairs will be charged to the guest.
Cleaning: Guests are expected to leave the property in a clean and tidy condition. Additional cleaning fees may be charged if the property is left excessively dirty.
Lost and found: We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items. However, we will make a reasonable effort to return any lost items found on the property.